Teaching Speaking- Text-based Teaching
text-based approach is the first thing used to lead to the next stages or steps.
It is first developed from discourse analysis where the productive language
related to the social context. This development leads the occurance of genre
that we commonly know as descriptive, narrative, etc. Teaching through
text-based approach in spoken can be vary from written. In spoken, the speaker
does not need to use the correct grammatical form to make the listener
understand. The speaker can point the thing without mentioning the name and
tell that it is beautiful. However, in written, the student should explicitly
mention the thing to avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity. Also, scaffolding
can be conducted to help the students. There are two ways regarding to
scaffolding. The first is designed-in scaffolding. The teacher try to bring
some points into the syllabus such as content, strategy, adn students’ learning
experiences. The second is contingent scaffolding which relates to the learning
cycle in the text-based approach.
There are five sequences that
encompass the lesson. The first is bulding the context which utilize authentic
models. The teacher engage the students by the text type characteristics. The
second is modelling and deconstructing the text. The teacher encourage the
students to observe and experiment with the components such as one text
structure and the language features to another. Then, join construction of the
text, independent construction, and linking to realted texts. In the
assessment, the teacher often face obstaces. It is suggested to repeat the
stage in cycle if the students still do not understand. However, teaching using
authentic texts may be very inefficient because the teachers are neglected in
using the same example. The material should be assessed whether the content
cosist of artifial and instropected dialog or other authentic types.
A Commonly Found Question
Can we apply
the text-based teaching and scaffolding for teaching english to young
Text-based teaching and scaffolding can actually be implemented for
teaching at any level and age. Moreover, considering that there are some
similar characteristics such as in terms of selecting materials, both of them
are in line by choosing based on learners’ familiarities, needs, and
experiences. Also, both of them require sequence guidance along the
teaching-learning process which gradually decreased as the learners’ get more
knowledge, skills, and independent in completing the task. In addition, a Professor in EYL course, also stated explicitly that in teaching young
learners, it is compulsory for the teacher to provide the scaffolding for the
learners. Therefore, it is not only allowed to be applied for teaching young
learners but also compulsory.
Critical Analysis
The use of text-based approach is
very essential to conduct because the students can connect what they learn inside
the classroom with their social life since it was develop through discourse
analysis. By connecting the lesson with the reality, it is expected that they
will comprehend more about the information. I found it in one of Sekolah Alam in Surabaya where the
students are engaged with the nature while learning English. Also, it decrease
the boredom and they can make use the language communicatively. Moreover, text-based
approach provides specific stages that ease the teachers to implement. However,
the implementation is not as simple as the syllabus arrangement. Some teachers
still do not know and understand about this approach. Teachers also often
misuse the implementation through the
text structure. However, it does not completely refer to it. . It is suggested
to give a seminar to introduce them about it. Those programs addressed to
English teachers are expected to improve their ability in teaching using
text-based approach.
Burns, Anne. & Richards, Jack C. 2012. The Cambridge Guide to Pedagogy and Practice in Second Language
Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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