Individual language learners: some differences (what they do)
Many teachers often face difficulties in teaching a class
with different learners’ characters. Some of them try to handle by knowing and
understanding the characters. Then, Johnson (2001) finds that there are three
variables influence them. The first is cognitive variable which deals with
their intelligence and language aptitude. Those terms deal with learning
specific language which is different from general intelligence. The second
variable is affective which engages
with what the students feel. The third is personality variable that generally is
divided into introvert and extrovert.
Intelligence as a part of cognitive variable plays a very
important role in learning a foreign language. However, there are two
contradictions which firstly argue that it is not necessary for learning a foreign
language. It is believed that foreign language should only be taught in
university level as a major or a
supporting course. On the other hand, intelligence affects the learners’
achievements. If they are good in learning foreign languages, that ability will
bridge or facilitate them in mastering the language skills. However, it
commonly happens to non-oral communication such as reading and writing.
Aptitude is the rate of the learners to learn a foreign
language successfully. Through Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT), there are
some components influence the learners’ aptitude. Firstly, phonetic coding
ability is an ability to translate and to identify audio or sound material
which actually is very usefull for they who get difficulty in remembering word
or sentence. They translate the L2 to L1 that requires a longer time because they
find difficulties not also in translating the word but also the facial
expression. In conclusion, this factor requires both ears sensitivity and
brain. Secondly, grammatical sensitivity deals with how the learners aware to
show their ability in constructing a sentence. The learners will try to spell
and pronounce it whether they sound correctly or not. The third is inductive
learning ability which relates to how they observe and analyze the harmony and
the correlation of both meaning and grammar. The last component, rote learning
ability mostly includes the vocabulary properties had by the learners.
The next variable is affective which covers the
sub-variables of motivation and attitude. There are two kinds of motivation;
integrative motivation which concerns with the learners in learning a foreign
language and its culture and instrumental motivation in which the learners
learn the foreign language for other purposes such as for getting a better job
and to travel the world. The presenter also argues that intergrative motivation
is better than instrumental motivation for the second one destructs the essence
of learning a foreign language. She also served some researches which the
instumental motivation is also necessary to motivate the learnes in learning a
foreign language. The second is attitude. The way we learn language based on the
level is different. The basic level only requires fluency but the higher level
requires more aspects including the
accent. Here are some types regarding to attitude. The first is attitude towards success where the teacher
separates them based on two categories; good learner and poor learner. The aim
is to hel them achieve the same goal in different ways. Attitude towards
teacher does depend on the teacher. If a learner dislike the teaher, he then
will not be well-motivated to learn the language. It happen to both good and
poor learners. Attitude towards your own country is the ways we think about our
country. Based on feeling, there are also two types describing it. The first is
ethnocentrism is doctrine of belive that our country is the best country or
superior. Unfortunately, it will grow arrogancy to learn other languages. The
second type is anomie. The learners are lack of respectful of their country.
They learn other languages to avoid their culture and perhaps dream to stay in
another country.
Commonly Found Questions
The first question is how to accommodate the learners with
low motivation but they have high cognitive. From the discussion, the first
step taken, should be the communication between the teacher and that student.
That should be done personally, not in front of the whole class to avoid the
student feel embarassed. If there are more than one student, the teacher may
have a group discussion with the students. More importantly, personal and group
discussion, those both require the teacher’s plan in formulating the
appropriate strategies. Another way is by maximizing the use of ICT to interact
and stimulate the learners.
The second question is whether the teacher should
separate the students based on their level or not. There actually are two basic
assumption regarding to this issue. The first is agreeing the separation class
to focus on the continuity of what the good learners already comprehended and
what the poor learners have not mastered yet. The second assumption is letting
them to stay in one class. It aims to motivate the poor learners to compete
with the good learners. However, a mixed class coerces the teacher to know and
understand their backgrounds in order to not leave them behind.
Being a good learner in learning a foreign language is
not easy since he should implement more than one variable. Those variables do
not only about the way of mastering the language but also the factor from L1.
As a teacher, we cannot measure how good our students are from one variable.
Therefore, it is compulsory to really comprehend all variables od the good
According to Renandya (2017) in his presentation, he
stated that the first factor in making both teacher and learners good in
teaching and learning is motivation. The students themselves should have
motivation whether it is intrinsic and extrinsic or integrative and
instrumental. Appending to the presentation, instrumental motivation is very
crucial. The word destructive does not define it since it is a supporting
motivation and as important as the integrative motivation. Also, it is the
implication or the real purpose of learning a foreign language for they intend
to implement it in reality.
Reviewing from some experiences, the learners’ characteristics
should not be avoided by the teacher. On the other hand, it is a great
opportunity to combine them in a good way such as grouping them where they can
share and help each other. They can compete and complete each other. The
cognitive and affective variables are necessary to be known by the teacher.
Judging or determining them as good or poor learners cannot be analyzed and
measured by one variable yet with all three variables and sub-variables of
Keith. 2001. An Introduction to Foreign
Language Learning and Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.
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