Teaching Reading

Extensive reading is proposed for the learners to enjoy the reading. The books provided should be what they like and what they understand. The materials should be easy enough to understand. It is expected that the language styles in the passage will inspire the learners to produce their own strong styles. Maximizing the library as a place to build the reading habit can be done. To persuade the students, the teacher can tell the good sides of the book, how it can be exciting, and what the advantages after reading the books. Also, the teacher needs to prepare a media for the students to express their feeling and rating after reading the book. However, intensive reading requires the students to read deeply and comprehensively.
In taching reading, the teachers should know their positions. In being an organizer, they should give obvious objectiove about what they want their students to do. They should exlain th detail of activity and the duration. While they do the activities, the teachers may do the next role; observer. They monitor whether the students do it well or not so they need additional time or not. To figure out whether they already comprehended the text or not, peer feedback can be firstly done before the teachers’ the feedback. The last is as a prompter where the teachers lead them to pay attention to the language features and the structures.
Ragarding to the vocabulary component, the teacher should apply some rules in order the students focus on reading the whole text not a certain vocabulary. Givung a certain duration for them to find the meaning of difficult word in dictionary can be implemented. It should also be done in defining the word or phrase. It is suggested that the teacher command the students to list some difficult word and place them into groups. It proposes several advantages such as sharing their knowledge about the difficult words and cooperative learning. Also, it is compulsory to involve not only the students’ opinion about the text but also how they feel about it.
In teaching reading, the teachers should be able to distinguish between skimming and scanning. Both of them are needed in facilitating the students. Some activities that can be done are presenting some clues to let the students guess ad predict the text content. The second is utilizing the vocbulary by matching them with the meaning on the other side. Intersting way such as using music as a media for reading is suitable. The teacher may play an audio to the students and then they have to guest what the music is about. After passing the guessing activity, the teachers give a text regarding to the music / audio.
A Commonly Found Question 
Can we use extensive reading in our Indonesian classroom? If it can, what are the benefits and the lacks?
Extensive reading can be implemented in the Indonesian classrooms. One of the ways to increase the practicality is by providing graded light novels to be read by the learners since the light novels are not as thick as novels. Therefore, the learners will finish reading the light ones faster. Moreover, they have been graded based on the language proficiency such as elementary, intermediate, and other levels. The teacher should also give a possible duration such as a month. The benefit of implementing it is that the language complexity of the materials are controlled and it provides various genres in line with the genre-based approach. The lacks are related to the copies of the books that require the learners to pay. Also, the extensive reasing does not become a focus of the Indonesian curriculum.
Critical Analysis
Teaching reading as a part of integrated skill is very essential. Since it is a receptive skill, the students must be encouraged to master this skill in order to gain information from the environment. Teaching extensive reading is considered more interesting for the students at any level because it involves the students’ interest. They can chosoe their own genre and books. However, duration or time limitation should be given to tatget. Most students think that reading is the most difficult skill to master. The teachers shoud always remind them in order to get the meaning of the text, the students do not need to uderstand very single word. Therefore, the teacher should implement interesting tehniques to facilitate. It is emphasized that the teacher hold an activity of teaching reading skill by extensive reading which are not neglected by the curriculum.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2007a. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Malaysia: Pearson Education Limited.


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