Strategies and Good Language Learners

Strategies are very important as a technique or device that can be used to acquire a knowledge by the learners. Learning style may be different to each individual since it deals with learner preference and the strategy they do.
There are three types of direct strategies. The first strategy is memory. It relates to how the learners create mental linkages such as grouping, associating, elaborating, and contextualizing the words. Also, applying images and sound are necessary. It utilizes image, semantic mapping, keywords, and sounds in memory. The next stages are reviewing or making a scrutiny and iplementing it with the chronological techniques. The second is cognitive strategy which involves four stages. Those are rehearsing which means repeating the knowledge and finding more sources to enrich the knowledge. Then, analyzing deductively by comparing each language, analyzing the mimicry, interpreting it, and delivering it. The last stage is constructing structure of what they get and output by making a conlusion, outline, coverage, a note, or a framework. The third type is compensastion strategy involves guessing intelligently and overcoming limitations in speaking and writing.
Furthermore, indirect strategies consist of  three types. The first is metacognitive which deals with centering the learning. It means that the learner makes a connection in his mind about the input he gets, pays attention, and also listens. Then, organizing and scheming the learning such as setting goals, aims, and time to rehearse. Also, assessing the learning process i necessary and can be done through self-monitoring and self-evaluation. The second is affective strategies which consists of minimizing the anxiety, motivating yourself, and paying attention to the ego and emotion.
The last type is social strategy. It deals with finding the correct answer. Ways to do are clarrifying, veryfying, and correcting. Also, working together with colleagues and socialize with native people are good to do. Moreover, learning a language require learning the culture. Therefore, developing the cultural understanding is a good strategy to improve the learners’ abilities. It also helps the them to avoid culture shock or misunderstanding.
Commonly Found Questions
The first question relates to interpreting model which can be aplied to the extroversion since they like to show up. However, the introversion will hardly do it. Then, from the discussion, it can be assumed that the teacher needs to introduce some strategies. For extrovert students, they can use interpreting to show their ability. For introvert students, they can be introduced to the written and receptive strategies such as writing a diary, listening to the music, and making a movie resume. They can choose based on their preference.
The second question is whether self-regulation relates to and influences the learner autonomy. Self-regulation concept does not replace the need of the concept of strategy. They correlate each other. If a learner is well-motivated to find the suitable strategy for himself, it will lead him into being an autonomous learner.
Critical Analysis
Knowing and understanding good learners’ charateristics may help us in building a good rapport. Although the topic is addressed to the learners, teachers should know the types of strategies in order to motivate the learners. Also, it is hoped that he can help them to find the most suitable and appropriate strategy in learning a foreign language. It is surely believed that learning strategy cannot be taught to our learners like a formal material inside the classroom. That is because a learner has their own tendency or preference in their learning style. Teacher’s job is not teaching the strategy yet directing and introducing them to those. Before introducing a certain learning strategy, teacher should know the learners’ characteristics and styles well. Those lead him to decide which strategy is suitably used. Also, maximizing the use of facilities and ICT are suggested as one of strategy. In conlusion, if a learner finds the most suitable strategy for himself, it will be easy for him to learn the foreign language faster.
 Griffith, Carol. 2008.  Lessons from Good Language Learners. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.


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