Reflective Thinking through Journal Writing

There are many advantages of conducting journal in teaching and learning process. It is very easy to use and helpful in giving the reflection. Regarding to reflection, it is the most natulat media in knowing what the students feel. Therefore, the teacher can give the response or react to the journal content in the following meetings. In short, it is a media for evaluation. However, writing journals waste time. Therefore, most of the EFL teachers do not make it. Also, another problem appears when the teachers do not make an appropriate journal. That can be caused of being tired, etc. Also, the content of the journal does not reflect to what really happens. To make it fast or to make the teachers look professional, they sometime add what it is not needed such as they face a problem but the teacher do not overcome it because the time is up. Then, they write some strategies on their mind or perspective into the journal. The movitation always takes a big role in any aspect. Since the journal is made unappropriately, the content does not show the reflection of how critical they are towards the situation. Therefore, there should be another more simple media to be used.
Commonly Found Questions
How do the teachers who do not attend university wrire a reflective journal?
Since reflection is an active process of witnessing somebody’s personal experience to examine it coler, give meaning into it, and learn from it, a journal entry is how the teachers response through written form. Thus, it is in the form of free or flexible. Each teacher will have different style and it is not a problem. Also, it does not require a very good language mastery and any skill. The teacher can also reflect to the methods and techniques used, describe what has hapeened in the classroom or based on their ersonal experience, ask questions about teaching methods, techniques, etc. Some comon questions can be used such as what happened? How did it occur? How did I react? What will I do if I have the similar case in the future? Then, the teacher should describe the situation, analyze, evaluate, and take a lesson from it.
How can we elaborate more about Gibbs’ reflective cyle with an emphasis on feelings?
According to Gibbs, it is not sufficient to have an experience in order to learn without reflecting on the experience because it may be quickly forgotten or its learning potential lost. For example, the teacher feel unsatisfied of the content of the course, of our teaching methods, techniques, students’ behaviour, classroom mangement, time manageent, etc. It means that something wrong appears. We have to check and fix it. In the reflective journal, problems hsould be firstly described, then describe how you feel towards it, and analyze and evaluate the situation through presenting some questions. Then, describe what stategies that you will propose towards this problem. Also, if the teacher has the similar problem, they can include it here and what the difference and similarities between those are.

Critical Analysis
            Although writing journals is wasting much time, it gives many advantages. To cope with this problem, the teachers can utilize audio journals such as recording. They only need to record their voice using mobile phone or other things. Also, before recording, they are suggested to make the points so they will not forget and miss what they are going to say. Based on my experience, making a journal is very crucial and beneficial. If we skip doing it for , let’s say, a week, we will forget some problems in the classroom and we will ignore it without overcoming it. If it happens, the problems may grow bigger. Therefore, it is very important to make a journal especially if we face the similar problem, we can play the audio and listen how the problem comes and how we solve it. It can also help our colleagues with the same problem. Also, it should be put in one media such as flash disk specially for one class or one year.

Brown, H.Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs:  Prentice Hall.

Richards, Jack C. 1998. Beyond Training. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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