Autonomy and Good Language Learner

Autonomy refers to how independent the learners in knowing what they need and determine how they should fulfill it. It emphasizes on the process, and less on the result. It happens to Henry and Simon case where they both are categorizes as autonomous learners. However, one of them gets lower score. It actually influences to the awareness, motivation, and efforts or strategies. It is necessary for the teacher to monitor the learners’ process so they will not get a disappointing results.
In the classroom, the modes of LA involve self-access, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), distance learning, tandem learning, study abroad, out-of-class learning, and self-instruction. The most important aspect is motivation which leads and pushes te learning to do something. Instrinsic motivation works as well as the extrinsic motivation. Also, they need to convince themselves that they are able. It must be supported by the environment such as the teachers and the friends. Teacher’s roles are variegated. They are a manager which means that they direct the students. As a resource person means that they have to monitor them. As a counselor means that they have to advise them if they get some problems and show an optional way.
Commonly Found Questions
How to build learners’ self confidence?
The teacher should profvide feedback to the learners and theel them when they already did a good job on the exam or report. It will push them to do well if they know that the teacher is proud of them for their achievement. The teacher can also utilize the teaching strategies which provide opportunity for equal participant such as arranging the seatings in a circle so that they will get opportunity to make eye contact with their friends. The last is that the teacher are suggested to invite the learners to participate in trying to answer the questions and to solve the problem on their on way.
How to make learners more responsible in learning?
Teacher can start to foster the learners’ awareness and make them involve in the learning. Then, demonstrate the learning trategies through the activities during the course. Also, the teachers are suggested to monitor and evaluate their contribution in learning so that they consider their own targets and feel responsible for reaching them.

Critical Analysis
Regarding the case of Simon and Henry, in reality, the teacher should overcome this problem. Although all students can be categorized as autonomous learners, the teacher should check and monitor whether their strategies are appropriate and helpful or not. It relates to the result so the low sore or unachieved goals can be avoided. Although the learners are encourages to be independent, it does not mean that the teacher appears with no role. They have several roles yet the activities are different. For example, the teacher should engage them with sources, not directly explain the lesson through speech method or one way method. They must be served several sources and they must learn from those. Hopefully, they will find another new sourses. Also, they need to overcome their own problem. The teacher should monitor in order to know hether they are on the right track or not.


Griffith, Carol. 2008.  Lessons from Good Language Learners. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.


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