Good Language Learner and what they do

Generally, there are two variables of personality. The first is extroversion which term extro means outside. It refers to people who like to interact and communicate with other people. An extrovert learner has many friends because she loves to socialize with other people. She is not afraid to speak with new people or stranger. She cannot learn by herself in a quiet situation. To strengthen her knowledge and memory, there should be interaction models such as group discussion or presenting the ideas in front of the class. Also, she is not a shy person. For teachers, it is very easy to measure their ability through four skills. However, we often find this types of students with very poor quality. Although they show up a lot yet the content quality needs improvement. Therefore, the teacher should not score someone’s ability by their quantity yet quality. Also, we can group them with introvert learners to make them learn ho to deeply think and the introvert hopefully can be moivated to speak up.
On the other hand, introversion deals with a person who likes to do the activity by herself. If the extrovert person is good in oral communication, the introvert is better in deeply thinking and non-oral skills such as reading, listening, and writing. The introverts prefer to gain more information from other people rather than to express theirs. Therefore, they are quiet people. However, it does not mean that they make distance with all people. They are just very selective in choosing their close friends. Unfortunately, they often ignore other people’s business and focus on their plan. In a classroom activity, this type of learner will not speak us unless the teacher asks him. Therefore, there should be a trigger such as presenting a dialog or a group discussion which engages every member to give their opinior. The best way to measure their ability is through their writing and their receptive skill. Sometime, we should not measure someone’s ability by the quantity of their performance but the quality of the content. Thus, that is the fairest way.
There actually appears another personality variable which is know as extroversion. It refers to people who get influenced by the environment easily. They have a great desire to get involved in any event. They feel comfortable in any situation. In a learning activity, this type of students can adapt soon wheter they are grouped with the introverts or extroverts.
In addition, ego permeability and rejection-sensitivity should be considered in facing learners with multi-character. Ego permeability can be a good language learner because they are emphatic learners. They have open personalities to other people and their egos are permeable. On the other hand, a rejection-sensitive learner will face more difficulties in learning. Once she gets refusal, she will get hurt and stop trying. She has a vexfgry sesitive feeling towards refusal.
Commonly Found Questions
The first question of the second presenter relates to personal experience. She is an extrovert person in society yet she can automatically become an introvert sudent inside the classroom. She questions whether anxiety is the factor causing introversion or not. From the discussion, it is differerent case between the pesonality of a learner and aperson in common. If she doe not want to speak up in front of the class, it does not mean that she is an introvert. What makes her being quiet is not the personality but the lack of knowledge. Therefore, there is possibility that if she has a good proficiency, she will speak up or convey her ideas.
The second participant questions which personality is better, introversion or extroversion. We cannot judge one personality is better than others. They have their own weaknesses and strengths. To cope with this issue, the teacher should really know and understand the learners’ characteristics. For extroversion, they are good in spoken performance and they have very good self-confidence. However, the teacher should pay attention to the content quality. On the other hand, introversion is good in receptive skill and written peformance. The teacher only needs to motivate them to conver their ideas into spoken performance. Sometimes, they have a very good ideas but they do not want to deliver it.
The third question is about the strategy to deal with students with different characteristics. The only way to do is not to give most of our attention to the active learners. We should also stimulate the passive learners. This is more difficult and challenging to deal with poor learners because do not only motivate them to be active but also to be enthusiastic. Also, presenting them to speak with a short piece of reading passage will activate and stimulate both extroverts and introverts..
Critical Analysis
Building a good rapport is needed in any situation and context. In facing the types of language learners, the teacher should be able to interact with them especially regarding to the students’ feelings such as rejection-senstivity. Also, knowing how a good learner is like will help them to measure their abilities. Also, being a good learner cannot be judged through one variable. Some teachers may believe that an active learner is a good learner because he is able to convey his ideas. While some argue that a learner cannot only be measured by his quantity in participation, although it is good in creating an enthusiastic atmosphere. The types of good language learners are varies. Therefore, teacher’s job is to find out which ability that the learners are streghthen on.
Grouping the students with different characteristics sometimes is usefull because they can complete each other, for example, in a group discussion, they can share their opinion from different points of view. However, a group which consists of similar personality is easily handled because the treatment or the strategy used is the same. In conclusion, each type of personality is good yet the teacher should control them.

Johnson, Keith. 2001. An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.


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