What to do in the classroom—roles and tasks?

Rapport: Teacher – students relationship, Teachers as media in the teaching and learning process. Native and non-native speaker teachers
The teacher’s role in the classroom is not only as a teacher who explains the material but also a controller who deals and be responsible with every single activity. However, the role as a cotroller is considered ineffective in cooperative learning because he only stands in front of the class and presenting the material without engaging the students to participate. The second role is as a prompter which supports the students for the successful progress. There are some teachers in Indonesia whose role is as an assessor. He triggers or appreciate their work by giving score. To balance their academic and psychology, he must be able to be a tutor by giving some advices and consultations. The other roles of a teacher are a director who leads the flow of the activity, a facilitator who bridges their curiousity and the knowledge, a participant who does not dominate the discussion and groupwork, and a resource who chooses the appropriate sources. Also, relating to Johnson and Johnson (2008), in cooperative learning, the teacher’s role is divided into formal group, informal group, and cooperative base group.
In maximising the roles, the teacher should create a good relationship with the students which is known as rapport. Recognising each individual, being a good listener, respecting them, and being fair or even-handed will support the rapport.
Teaching without media or realia is definitely boring. Fortunately, he does not need to create any if he can facilitate the students through himself such as mime and gesture. Also, demonstrating them a certain model or doing the activities and providing understandable examples are also beneficial.
An issue taken by the presenter is native and non-native teacher where people mostly think a native teacher is the best language teacher. However, nativeness does not determine one’s ability in teaching.
Commonly Found Questions
            The first question is how to develop teacher’s charm. From the discussion, we can conclude that improving the knowledge and the behavior are the main points. The teacher needs to acquire more information about how to behave during the classroom activity.
The second question is the way to avoid bias to improve objectivity and become even-handed in teaching. The way to be even-handed is being self-conscious. Also, we need to remind ourselves to always be fair. To be objective, peer assessment will help individuals to assess their friends and they also take parts in the process of the assessment itself.
Critical Analysis
The broad issue of native and non-native teacher misleads the type of a language teacher where he or she must be a native speaker. This is definitely because the native is naturally good in mastering his own spoken language. However, it fact, some are not good teachers. Determining a good or bad teacher is not based on the nativeness or not, yet on the competence. A good language teacher is he who is able to teach. How can we say that the native is a good teacher while he is an uneducated one? Suherdi (2017), in his talk in Textbook Evaluation course said that not everyone can be a teacher. Those are only they who are already educated as teachers. It means that, by being a teacher, we should pass some stages at least taking and graduating from an education major. Also, this issue is no longer exist since people realize that the ability of language teaching does not depend on the nativeness yet on competence or the ability to teach. Although some institutions employ native teachers, they mostly teach speaking skill where the students can learn how to use the language communicatively with correct pronouncation and good intonation.  
Responding to the discusion, to behave properly during the classroom activity, there are some points that the teacher needs to pay attention. The first is the distance between the teacher and the students. Interacting too close may create discomfort while making much distance may led into coldness. The next is physical behavior done by the teacher. Inappropriate behavior like jumping may cause no respect Also, mobility in the classroom is needed yet too much mobility will ruin the students’ focus. Awareness is the last important point. The teacher should observe the students’ activities and feelings and respond properly to their questions. Relating to the issue  of a bias teacher, we should aware that all students are the same. There is no special one. Although we may have a favorite student, we should avoid to treat him special especially in front of the other students. One of the ways which can be done is by paying attention to the poor students and give them more chances to participate. Also, it is beneficial for we can encourage the poor students to be active.
Harmer, Jeremy. 2007a. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Malaysia: Pearson Education Limited.


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